Maestría en Tecnología de los Alimentos
Las actividades de la Maestría se desarrollan en 24 (veinticuatro) meses y se encuadran en el Calendario Académico institucional de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales, con sus respectivos tiempos de receso, feriados y conmemoraciones.
Inicio: Primera Semana hábil de Febrero de cada año.
Finalización: Primera Semana hábil de Diciembre de cada año.
La maestría requiere completar una Carga Horaria Total de 1020 h, incluyendo 120 h de cursos optativos y 340 h de Trabajo de Tesis.
Al finalizar la Carrera el/la egresado/a tendrá capacidad para diseñar, realizar y conducir en forma independiente, con conciencia social, investigación originales y desarrollos tecnológicos que contribuyan al conocimiento de la ciencia y la tecnología de los alimentos.
Los Maestrandos/as podrán solicitar el reconocimiento de cursos de posgrado realizados en otras instituciones sujeto a su análisis y resolución por parte del Comité Académico, según detalle:
Trayecto estructurado: hasta un 40% de la carga horaria total del bloque
Trayecto no estructurado: hasta un 75% de la carga horaria total del bloque
Próximos Cursos
La Carrera de Maestría en Tecnología de los Alimentos de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales persigue como objetivo que el/la maestrando/a, desarrolle una actitud creativa y perfeccione su formación integral a través de una serie de cursos o asignaturas de formación y de la realización de un trabajo de investigación original. El Programa conduce al otorgamiento del Título Académico de Magister en Tecnología de los Alimentos de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
Últimas Tesis Presentadas
- Parámetros cinéticos y de equilibrio de la extracción sólido-líquido del polvo de hojas de yerba mate
- Contenido de Zn en yerba mate de origen argentino. Influencia del procesamiento y de la zona de cultivo
- Parámetros fisicoquímicos, texturales y sensoriales de pastas a base de fécula de mandioca.
Autor: Neis, E. R..
Año: 2023
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire) is an industrial crop of great economic importance for the province of Misiones. During the industrialization of yerba mate, significant amounts of leaf powder are generated. Due to their low granulometry, this powder is not entirely added to the finished product. Given the chemical composition of yerba mate, this by-product could be used as a low-cost source for producing extracts with a high concentration of bioactive compounds. In this regard, solid-liquid extraction equilibrium provides the basis for calculating single-stage and multistage extraction systems. This work aimed to study the aqueous extraction equilibrium of yerba mate powder at different temperatures.
The yerba mate leaf powder was characterized by its centesimal composition, granulometric distribution, and soluble solids content. The extraction kinetics was determined to assure equilibrium conditions at different temperatures. Kinetic data were fitted to three models. Extraction equilibrium was studied at varying concentrations at 35, 60, and 85 °C. At each equilibrium condition, the retention index and the composition of the extract and raffinate were determined. Equilibrium data were fitted to a linear model and sorption isotherm and used for assembling triangular and rectangular diagrams.
Yerba mate leaf powder showed a similar centesimal composition to commercial yerba mate and a soluble solids content of 45.6%. The particle size analysis indicated that 64.2% of the sample was retained between the 40 and 60 mesh sieves. The two-step extraction model described the experimental kinetic data most accurately. The equilibrium at different temperatures was reached between 18.6 and 20 minutes. The retention index showed minor variations with both temperature and extract concentration, showing an average value of 8.25 g of retained extract per g of inert solid. The equilibrium data fitted the linear model adequately, with no significant differences between 60 and 85 °C. The results could be applied to analytical or graphical calculations of extraction systems at different temperatures.
Keywords: solid-liquid extraction, equilibrium, yerba mate, Ilex paraguariensis.
Autor: Martín, C. M.
Año: 2022
Yerba maté is cultivated for commercial purposes in northeastern Argentina, southern Brazil and southeastern Paraguay. The chemical composition of its infusions can vary according to the geographical area, the environmental conditions of the plantations, the industrial processing and the extraction conditions of the analytes. Zinc (Zn) is an essential element for the functioning and survival of all forms of life. It is a nutrient whose importance for health is increasingly appreciated, so its concentration in the body must be adequate. The objectives of this work were to study the concentration of Zn in commercial brands of yerba maté and its infusions (mate and mate cocido), from Argentina, and also to evaluate the influence of the cultivation areas in Misiones (according to levels of soil acidity and fertilization) and industrial processing. The determinations were made by ICP-MS. It is the first investigation where a standardized procedure (IRAM 20509 Standard) was used to obtain the infusion simulating consumption as mate. The following Zn concentration ranges were found for the commercial brands: between 52 and 98 mg/kg in yerba maté, between 2.15 and 3.04 mg/kg in mate and between 0.32 and 0.39 mg/kg in mate cocido. For plantations according to the level of soil acidity: between 103.6 and 112.0 mg/kg in soils, between 24 and 75 mg/kg in leaves and between 41 and 136 mg/kg in sticks. For plantations according to the level of fertilization: between 46 and 76 mg/kg in mixtures of leaves and sticks. For industrial processing stages: between 28 and 100 mg/kg in unprocessed branches, between 26 and 105 mg/kg after stage of zapecado, between 27 and 78 mg/kg after stage of canchado, between 60 and 77 mg/kg before milling and between 53 and 83 mg/kg after milling. The concentrations of Zn in the infusions of mate are higher than those of mate cocido. On the other hand, the Zn content in the sticks is higher than in the leaves. Differences between regions were found, however soil acidity and fertilization level do not have significant effects on Zn content in plantations. In addition, the stages of industrial processing do not have a significant effect on the Zn content of the samples, under the conditions evaluated.
Keywords: Yerba Maté, Zinc, Infusions, Processing.
Autor: Chigal, P. S.
Año: 2021
The production of foods that are innovative, accessible and directed to a specific population from regional raw materials, is important for productive development. In this work the physical, textural and sensorial properties of gluten free noodles elaborated from a mixture of cassava starch and corn flour were studied. Xanthan gum was added as a replacement to gluten. In addition, the correlation between physical parameters and between instrumental and sensory textural characteristics was evaluated. The work includes the technological development of pastas made from a previously studied bakery formulation composed of: cassava starch and corn flour in 4:1 ratio, egg, milk powder, margarine and salt, optimized for pasta with the added of xanthan gum in two levels (0.4 % and 0.6 %). The response variables in optimum cooked pasta time are: physical characteristics (cooking loss, water absorption and color), texture characteristics (firmness, adhesiveness and chewiness) and sensory characteristics (intensity of specific parameters with experienced panel and impression and global acceptance with consumers). The results indicated that the formulation of pasta with the concentration of xanthan gum of 0.6 % is the one that presents the best physical (lower water absorption and cooking loss, best color) and textural characteristics (average values of firmness and chewiness). From the sensory analysis of the pasta, higher scores were obtained for this concentration in all analyzed characteristics and 100 % acceptability among the consumers. A high correlation was also observed between water absorption and cooking loss. The development of this pasta is very important since it allowed the diversification of products from the same formulation, generating added value to the cassava starch.
Keywords: Gluten free noodles, Cassava starch, Xanthan gum, Physical properties, Texture, Sensory analysis.